English Paper Editing ・ 英語論文編集サービス

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  • 通常の校閲よりもリーズナブルな価格でお引き受け可能です
  • 原稿のやり取りはメール・オンライン・直接回収が可能です -文法・構造・理論性に関する編集をします
  • より良い校閲の結果を得るためのコミュニケーションを重視しています
  • 25年間の英文編集経験あり -米国英語を母国語としています -博士(学術)、ランドスケープ学分野が専門ですが、園芸学全般的の校閲が可能です
  • 校閲証明書の発行も可能です -校閲経験:医学・定量・定性・科学・社会学・心理学・環境・学際的な論文など
  • お支払い:現金・銀行振込・Google・PayPal・制度的支払いシステムなど
  • 一般的には300語あたり2,500円となります。



Academic paper editing:

  • Correspondence in person, via email, video chat, or other online modes
  • Structure, logic, and English grammar
  • Communication with the client for refined results
  • 25 years experience, Native U.S. English, Ph.D. holder
  • ‘Certificate of Editing’ available upon request
  • Types of editing available: Medical, Quantitative, Qualitative, Sociological, Psychological, Environmental, Multidisciplinary, and other scientific papers.
  • Comments to help in improving English language usage
  • Fluent speaker of Japanese and Spanish
  • In general, the cost is 2,500 yen for every 300 words.
  • Payments: cash, bank transfer, Google Pay, PayPal, university payment system, etc.

Orcid ID, Google Scholar profile, Research Gate

For inquiries, email: drgreencastle @ gmail.com

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Selected edited publications:

Authors  Publication InformationOverview & Title  
Takato Koba (Editor-in-Chief)Chromosome Science. Vol 25(No. 1-2), 2022. Supplement to the Special IssueChromosome Science 2022 Supplement to the Special Issue. https://doi.org/10.11352/scr.25.1
Kousuke Seki, Yukari Shimizu, Mai Hayashi, Hidenori Sassa, Shinji Kikuchi, Akane Taguchi, Fumika Chino, Eri Soga, Hiroaki Serizawa, and Takato KobaEuphytica, 2022. Vol. 218, No. 8, pp. 120Discovery and fine mapping of a novel resistance locus to Fusarium wilt race 2 in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-022-03058-0
Kyu Kyu Hmwe, Miwa Matsushima Yashima, and Kazuyuki InubushiTropical Agriculture and Development, 2022. Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 1-11Nitrogen Transformation in Paddy Soil and Its Effect on Rice as Affected by Different N Sources and Water Regimes
Yui Sonoke and Toshiyuki UsamiActa Horticulturae (2022)Environmental effects on the sporulation of Corynespora cassiicola in cucumber leaf spots https://researchmap.jp/toshiyukiusami/published_papers/39267906
Nonoka Nagahama and Toshiyuki UsamiActa Horticulturae (2022)Drying leaves suppresses cucurbit downy mildew caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis. https://researchmap.jp/toshiyukiusami/published_papers/39267900
Haruka Kondo, Shinji Kikuchi, Ayumi Deguchi, Kazumitsu MiyoshiCytologia, March 25, 2021. Vol. 86, No. 1, pp. 61-65New Cytogenetic Information of Wild Species and Cultivars in the Genus Epidendrum (Orchidaceae) https://doi.org/10.1508/cytologia.86.61
L.W. Wang, X.X. Li, Yasushi Todoroki, and Kondo, SatoruActa Horticulturae 1312, 2021. Article 27, pp. 181-188Drought tolerance induced by the combination of abscisic acid and abscinazole in apple seedlings https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1312.27
Takato Koba (Editor-in-Chief)Chromosome Science, 70th Anniversary Special Edition. Vol 23 (No. 1-4) Special Issue 2020.Chromosome Science 2020 Special Edition, Biographies of 70 years of chromosome scientists in Japan, 1949-2019. 70th Anniversary Special Edition (Edited the entire journal and created the cover art). https://doi.org/10.11352/scr.23.Cover_1 https://doi.org/10.11352/scr.23.1
Takayuki Amano and Masashi NomuraJournal of Insect Science, May 2020. Volume 20, Issue 3, pp.10(Partial edit) A Diagnostic Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Method to Distinguish Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) From Other Related Species in the New World https://doi.org/10.1093/jisesa/ieaa046
Wenzhu Cui, Akane Katayama, Hiroki Shimizu, Mamoru TaniguchiInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. June 2019, Vol: 16, Issue: 13 Inhibitory Risks Affecting the Maintenance of Healthy Lifestyle Habits-A Study Based on Demographic Factors and Personality Traits.  pii: E2322. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16132322. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31262055
(Edited Response to  Reviewers)  Enxi Liu, Terumasa Takahashi, Takuya Hitomi  Springer Japan, Landscape and Ecological Engineering. Issue: April 2019  Effect of pruning material compost on the nitrogen dynamic, soil microbial biomass, and plant biomass in different soil types
Shunli Liu, Liyuan Wang, Xiao Tang Cai, Hui Zhou, Dan Yu, Zhiling Wang

Medicine (Baltimore). May 2018, Vol:  97, Issue: 18, p: 0663

Therapeutic benefits of ACTH and levetiracetam in STXBP1 encephalopathy with a de novo mutation: A case report and literature review    doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000010663 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6392729/
Sofia M. Penabaz-Wiley & Isami KinoshitaUrban and Regional Planning Review. November 2019, Vol. 6, pp: 125-147Suburban Residents’ Psychological Ownership of Ethnobotanical Plants Found in Surrounding Green Spaces: A Case Study at Matsudo City’s Nogikuno Housing Complex, Chiba Prefecture, Japan https://doi.org/10.14398/urpr.6.125
Authors: Sofia M. Penabaz-Wiley, Aiko Eguchi & Isami KinoshitaArchitectural Institute of Japan. May 2019. Vol:  84,  No: 759, pp:  1135-1144Psychological Ownership of Ethnobotany for Strengthening Social-Ecological Systems エスノボタニーからの心理的オーナーシップ醸成による社会・生態システム活性化に関する研究 —南伊豆町石廊崎地区における事例     https://doi.org/10.3130/aija.84.1135
Sofia M. Penabaz-Wiley & Isami KinoshitaJournal of Environmental Information Science. February, 2018, Vol:  2017, No: 2, pp: 25-36The Use of Ethnobotanical Landscape to Revitalize Rural Communities:  Learning from Todmorden, England, Past and Present https://doi.org/10.11492/ceispapersen.2017.2_25
Sofia M. Penabaz-Wiley, Mitsunari Terada, Isami KinoshitaEnvironment- Behaviour Proceedings Journal. August, 2018, Vol: 3,  No: 8,  pp: 12-21The Psychological Ownership of Ethnobotanicals through Education  
Penabaz-Wiley, Sofia M.HortResearch. March, 2017, Vol: 71, No. Edible Landscape, pp:  6-7.インクレディブル・エディブル Incredible Edible.  
Penabaz-Wiley, Sofia M.HortResearch. March, 2017, Vol: 71, No. Edible Landscape, pp:  8-9.ドクダミを食べる Eating Houttuynia  
Du, Wenwu Penabaz-Wiley, Sofia M. Njeru, Anthony Kinoshita, IsamiSustainability. June 24, 2015, Vol: 7, No. 7, pp:  8151-8177Models and approaches for integrating protected areas with their surroundings: A review of the literature
Chromosome Science cover design and artwork by Sofia M. Penabaz-Wiley (below).