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- 通常の校閲よりもリーズナブルな価格でお引き受け可能です
- 原稿のやり取りはメール・オンライン・直接回収が可能です -文法・構造・理論性に関する編集をします
- より良い校閲の結果を得るためのコミュニケーションを重視しています
- 25年間の英文編集経験あり -米国英語を母国語としています -博士(学術)、ランドスケープ学分野が専門ですが、園芸学全般的の校閲が可能です
- 校閲証明書の発行も可能です -校閲経験:医学・定量・定性・科学・社会学・心理学・環境・学際的な論文など
- お支払い:現金・銀行振込・Google・PayPal・制度的支払いシステムなど
- 一般的には300語あたり2,500円となります。
Academic paper editing:
- Correspondence in person, via email, video chat, or other online modes
- Structure, logic, and English grammar
- Communication with the client for refined results
- 25 years experience, Native U.S. English, Ph.D. holder
- ‘Certificate of Editing’ available upon request
- Types of editing available: Medical, Quantitative, Qualitative, Sociological, Psychological, Environmental, Multidisciplinary, and other scientific papers.
- Comments to help in improving English language usage
- Fluent speaker of Japanese and Spanish
- In general, the cost is 2,500 yen for every 300 words.
- Payments: cash, bank transfer, Google Pay, PayPal, university payment system, etc.
For inquiries, email: drgreencastle @ gmail.com
(Remove the spaces before emailing.)
Selected edited publications:
Authors | Publication Information | Overview & Title |
Takato Koba (Editor-in-Chief) | Chromosome Science. Vol 25(No. 1-2), 2022. Supplement to the Special Issue | Chromosome Science 2022 Supplement to the Special Issue. https://doi.org/10.11352/scr.25.1 |
Kousuke Seki, Yukari Shimizu, Mai Hayashi, Hidenori Sassa, Shinji Kikuchi, Akane Taguchi, Fumika Chino, Eri Soga, Hiroaki Serizawa, and Takato Koba | Euphytica, 2022. Vol. 218, No. 8, pp. 120 | Discovery and fine mapping of a novel resistance locus to Fusarium wilt race 2 in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-022-03058-0 |
Kyu Kyu Hmwe, Miwa Matsushima Yashima, and Kazuyuki Inubushi | Tropical Agriculture and Development, 2022. Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 1-11 | Nitrogen Transformation in Paddy Soil and Its Effect on Rice as Affected by Different N Sources and Water Regimes https://doi.org/10.11248/jsta.66.1 |
Yui Sonoke and Toshiyuki Usami | Acta Horticulturae (2022) | Environmental effects on the sporulation of Corynespora cassiicola in cucumber leaf spots https://researchmap.jp/toshiyukiusami/published_papers/39267906 |
Nonoka Nagahama and Toshiyuki Usami | Acta Horticulturae (2022) | Drying leaves suppresses cucurbit downy mildew caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis. https://researchmap.jp/toshiyukiusami/published_papers/39267900 |
Haruka Kondo, Shinji Kikuchi, Ayumi Deguchi, Kazumitsu Miyoshi | Cytologia, March 25, 2021. Vol. 86, No. 1, pp. 61-65 | New Cytogenetic Information of Wild Species and Cultivars in the Genus Epidendrum (Orchidaceae) https://doi.org/10.1508/cytologia.86.61 |
L.W. Wang, X.X. Li, Yasushi Todoroki, and Kondo, Satoru | Acta Horticulturae 1312, 2021. Article 27, pp. 181-188 | Drought tolerance induced by the combination of abscisic acid and abscinazole in apple seedlings https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1312.27 |
Takato Koba (Editor-in-Chief) | Chromosome Science, 70th Anniversary Special Edition. Vol 23 (No. 1-4) Special Issue 2020. | Chromosome Science 2020 Special Edition, Biographies of 70 years of chromosome scientists in Japan, 1949-2019. 70th Anniversary Special Edition (Edited the entire journal and created the cover art). https://doi.org/10.11352/scr.23.Cover_1 https://doi.org/10.11352/scr.23.1 |
Takayuki Amano and Masashi Nomura | Journal of Insect Science, May 2020. Volume 20, Issue 3, pp.10 | (Partial edit) A Diagnostic Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Method to Distinguish Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) From Other Related Species in the New World https://doi.org/10.1093/jisesa/ieaa046 |
Wenzhu Cui, Akane Katayama, Hiroki Shimizu, Mamoru Taniguchi | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. June 2019, Vol: 16, Issue: 13 | Inhibitory Risks Affecting the Maintenance of Healthy Lifestyle Habits-A Study Based on Demographic Factors and Personality Traits. pii: E2322. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16132322. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31262055 |
(Edited Response to Reviewers) Enxi Liu, Terumasa Takahashi, Takuya Hitomi | Springer Japan, Landscape and Ecological Engineering. Issue: April 2019 | Effect of pruning material compost on the nitrogen dynamic, soil microbial biomass, and plant biomass in different soil types https://doi.org/10.1007/s11355-019-00392-9 |
Shunli Liu, Liyuan Wang, Xiao Tang Cai, Hui Zhou, Dan Yu, Zhiling Wang |
Medicine (Baltimore). May 2018, Vol: 97, Issue: 18, p: 0663 | Therapeutic benefits of ACTH and levetiracetam in STXBP1 encephalopathy with a de novo mutation: A case report and literature review doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000010663 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6392729/ |
Sofia M. Penabaz-Wiley & Isami Kinoshita | Urban and Regional Planning Review. November 2019, Vol. 6, pp: 125-147 | Suburban Residents’ Psychological Ownership of Ethnobotanical Plants Found in Surrounding Green Spaces: A Case Study at Matsudo City’s Nogikuno Housing Complex, Chiba Prefecture, Japan https://doi.org/10.14398/urpr.6.125 |
Authors: Sofia M. Penabaz-Wiley, Aiko Eguchi & Isami Kinoshita | Architectural Institute of Japan. May 2019. Vol: 84, No: 759, pp: 1135-1144 | Psychological Ownership of Ethnobotany for Strengthening Social-Ecological Systems エスノボタニーからの心理的オーナーシップ醸成による社会・生態システム活性化に関する研究 —南伊豆町石廊崎地区における事例 https://doi.org/10.3130/aija.84.1135 |
Sofia M. Penabaz-Wiley & Isami Kinoshita | Journal of Environmental Information Science. February, 2018, Vol: 2017, No: 2, pp: 25-36 | The Use of Ethnobotanical Landscape to Revitalize Rural Communities: Learning from Todmorden, England, Past and Present https://doi.org/10.11492/ceispapersen.2017.2_25 |
Sofia M. Penabaz-Wiley, Mitsunari Terada, Isami Kinoshita | Environment- Behaviour Proceedings Journal. August, 2018, Vol: 3, No: 8, pp: 12-21 | The Psychological Ownership of Ethnobotanicals through Education https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v3i8.1415 |
Penabaz-Wiley, Sofia M. | HortResearch. March, 2017, Vol: 71, No. Edible Landscape, pp: 6-7. | インクレディブル・エディブル Incredible Edible. |
Penabaz-Wiley, Sofia M. | HortResearch. March, 2017, Vol: 71, No. Edible Landscape, pp: 8-9. | ドクダミを食べる Eating Houttuynia |
Du, Wenwu Penabaz-Wiley, Sofia M. Njeru, Anthony Kinoshita, Isami | Sustainability. June 24, 2015, Vol: 7, No. 7, pp: 8151-8177 | Models and approaches for integrating protected areas with their surroundings: A review of the literature |